In April I sent the manuscript of twenty eight ghost stories to my publisher with great joy, pride, and relief. The working title is The Holy Ghost and Other Spooky Stories. After that major accomplishment, I might have continued work on a novel I put aside to write the stories, but I didn’t. I pursued other interests while waiting for my edits.
First I sewed a casual, fun shirt – one that is covered in cups of coffee. I have worn it often. It fits well and is comfy.
Then my husband and I spent a week long mission searching for new deck furniture. We started at Home Depot, took a day trip to Furnitureland South, came back to Raleigh and hit the malls. We almost ordered from Pottery Barn, had second thoughts, and wound up back at Home Depot. We now are the happy owners of a pretty wicker set of deck furniture. Maybe soon the weather will cool down enough that we can enjoy it.
After the furniture saga, I returned to sewing. Among the toys we have for our granddaughters is a Strawberry Shortcake doll who had lost her clothes, except for her hat which is permanently attached. Her lack of clothing distressed me, so I made her a dress. Now she and I are both happy.
I have finished all my Time Out projects, my edits haven't arrived, so I will return to writer mode.
Have you ever decided to ditch familiar past times and take on new projects? What projects occupied your Time Out?
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